At this time, technological developments are not spared from progress. Various trends have started to emerge one by one, and continuously. Likewise with trends in the health sector. One of the trends that has skyrocketed along with the times is the existence of treatment or health services that are carried out directly at home or known as a home visit doctor. Even though it has started to develop and become known recently, in fact this home visit doctor's treatment or service has existed since the 20th century as a primary service for the community. At that time, many people thought that with more home visit services, they could also improve the quality of health at a lower price.
The home visit doctor service itself is a service created to distribute general practitioners who will visit the patient's residence. Currently, home visit doctor services are still a service that is often and widely used by elderly patients and also children. Some examples of services performed by home visit doctors are patients with respiratory problems, heart disease, and chronic elderly diseases which usually affect children and the elderly. However, this home visit service does not rule out the possibility that it can also be used for all ages.
With this home visit doctor service, there are many perspectives from various sides. From the patient's perspective, the doctor's home visit service will be seen as more personal and can build a special relationship between the patient and the doctor. In addition, by making visits or home visit services, it can provide a feeling of peace of mind and mind for the client because he knows that the selected doctor can give his time for the services provided to patients without having to wait in long queues at the hospital. While the perspective for the doctor themself on this home visit service is that it can provide assistance for doctors in obtaining additional information in diagnosing the disease suffered by the patient.
The large number of requests in the community regarding this home visit doctor, the more companies providing these services. So now, people can quickly and easily use home visit doctor services for families at home. By placing an order with this home visit doctor service, apart from being able to provide comfort to the patient, the home visit doctor can also get more detailed information or data regarding the conditions experienced by the patient by conducting direct examinations, asking the family about the history of the disease, complaints, and others, and can also see the condition of the patient's own residence.
With the convenience of accessing health services at this time, of course it is very beneficial for everyone who wants to seek treatment but doesn't have time to go to a clinic or hospital. However, it cannot be denied that the development and advancement of technology today, especially in the health sector, requires time for adjustment and adaptation. However, the current development of human resources is also very good, so the time to adapt to developments and technological advances in the health sector will take a short time so that the demand or trend of home visit doctor services can be more advanced and well developed.
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