Nurse is a word that comes from the Latin word nurfix which means to care for or care for. Based on the decision of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 647/Menkes/SK/IV/2000 concerning RI registration and nursing practice No. 1239/Menkes/XI/2001, it is explained that a nurse is someone who has graduated from nursing education, both at home and abroad, in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions. Nurse is a profession whose nature of work is always in a situation that is related and related to fellow human beings, there is a process of interaction and mutual influence and can have an impact on each individual concerned. Nurse is also a profession that has an autonomous function which is defined as a professional function of nursing. Where, this professional function can help identify and also find out what urgent patient needs are. It is a nurse's responsibility to be able to know the patient's needs and help to fulfill them.
Nurses themselves have their own roles and functions. The role of nurses in general is to meet basic human needs. The task of the nurse in carrying out her role as a provider of nursing care can be carried out according to the stages in a nursing process. According to research conducted by Liliweri in 2002, a role is a behavior expected by other people towards someone who is in accordance with their position or position in a system.
Other sources state that the nurse's role is as a nursing service executor, manager of nursing services and educational institutions, as educators in nursing, researchers and the development of nursing knowledge. These things are influenced by social conditions both from within and outside the nursing profession and are constant. The role of nurses according to the 1996 National Nursing Workshop is:
1. The role of nurses as educators
It is a foundation of Health Education that relates to all stages of health and levels of prevention. In addition, nurses must be able to provide health education to patients and families related to disease prevention, recovery, develop health education programs and nurses provide information about health.
2. The role of the nurse as a Health Observer
This means that nurses must carry out monitoring of changes that occur in individuals, families, groups and communities related to health problems through home visits, meetings, observing and collecting data.
3. The role of the nurse as coordinator of health services
Nurses are tasked with coordinating all community health service activities within the scope of hospitals, health centers, and other health service places to achieve health goals by collaborating with other health teams.
4. The role of the nurse as a reformer
Nurses act as innovators for individuals, families, and society in changing behavior and lifestyles that are closely related to the implementation and maintenance of health.
5. The role of the nurse as an organizer of health services
The role of the nurse is to provide motivation or support to increase the participation of individuals, families and groups in health care efforts.
6. The role of the nurse as a role model
Is a behavior displayed by nurses so that it can be used as obedience or an example for individuals, families, and society as well as the environment where the nurse is located.
7. The role of the nurse as a facilitator
It is a place for the public to ask questions about the prevention of health problems, so that nurses are expected to be able to provide solutions to overcome health problems they face.
8. The role of the nurse as implementer (care giver)
Providing health services to individuals, families, groups and communities in the form of comprehensive nursing care which includes providing nursing care, providing direct assistance to individuals/patients and families/communities who experience problems with the need for a sense of security. In addition, the following are the main duties of the implementing nurse, namely:
Maintain the cleanliness of the inpatient room and its environment
Accepting new patients in accordance with applicable procedures and conditions
Maintain nursing and medical equipment so that they are always ready for use
Conduct nursing studies and determine nursing diagnoses
Develop a nursing plan according to his ability.
Carry out nursing actions for patients according to their needs and limits, including:
Carry out treatment measures according to the treatment program
Provide health education to patients and their families about the disease.
Train / help patients to exercise motion.
Carry out emergency measures for patients (among other things: high fever, collapse, bleeding, poisoning, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest) in accordance with applicable procedures. Then immediately report the actions that have been taken to the doctor in the ward / doctor on duty.
Carry out the evaluation of nursing actions within the limits of his ability.
Observing the patient's condition, then taking appropriate action based on the results of these observations within the limits of his ability.
Participating with members of the health team in discussing cases and efforts to improve the quality of nursing care.
Carry out duties in the morning, afternoon, evening and holidays in shifts according to the official schedule.
Participating in regular meetings held by the head of the ward
Implementing a system for recording and reporting nursing care that is appropriate and correct according to nursing care standards
Carry out the handover of tasks to replacement officers verbally or in writing at the time of replacement.
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