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Writer's pictureMR Waridah

Differences Of Nutritionist, Dietitian, and Nutrition Specialist Doctor


Indonesia's role in the development of nutrition science in the world began a long time ago. It all started when the discovery of vitamin B1 by Eijkman, a Dutch doctor in 1898. Research in the field of nutrition conducted by Eijkman in 1898, proved that the occurrence of several diseases could be caused by the absence of certain substances in food. This is the pioneer of the emergence of nutritional science. This article aims to answer questions about the definition of a nutritionist and what is the role of a nutritionist, and what distinguishes them from dietitians and nutrition doctor specialists.


A nutritionist is a specialist who provides information about nutrition and health problems and educates about healthy eating patterns (AIPGI, 2018). In Indonesia, a nutritionist completes his education in nutrition at an accredited tertiary institution and earns a Bachelor of Nutrition (S.Gz.) or Master of Nutrition (M.Gz.) degree. The role of the nutritionist focuses on providing advice on health and nutrition issues and formulating information for the public or clients. Nutritionists can provide recommendations regarding food or eating habits to prevent disease or alleviate certain problems (Lestari, 2022). However, nutritionists cannot work in hospitals and treat people with medical problems. Registered Dietitian (RD) is the one who handles this.


A dietitian is an expert who has gone through the formal equivalent of the title RD (Registered Dietitian). In Indonesia, a dietitian is a professional health worker who has accredited university qualifications in the field or academic program of nutrition (B.Sc Nutrition), Diploma III in Nutrition (Madya Nutritionist), Diploma IV in Nutrition (Bachelor of Applied Nutrition), or Strata One Nutrition (S.Gz). Dietitians become professional health workers who are in charge of individual nutrition and the wider community (Lestari, 2022). Dietitians can play a role in diagnosing nutritional problems and formulating ways to deal with them. Dietitians can provide consultations to patients and work with other health professionals to support the running of the treatment process.


A nutrition specialist doctor is a specialist doctor who treats medical conditions related to nutrition. Nutrition therapy given by a nutrition doctor specialist is adjusted to the client's condition, medical history, and nutritional problems that may arise as a result of the disease (Lestari, 2022). A nutrition specialist doctor is a graduate of a nutrition master's degree or someone who has passed medical education and the medical profession. In Indonesia, they need to undergo a clinical nutrition specialist education program and earn the title of Clinical Nutrition Specialist (SpGK).

Unlike dietitians at hospitals, nutrition specialist doctor do not only provide advice regarding diet and nutritional intake, but also prescribe medicines and supplements, and supervise the course of nutritional therapy such as NGT installation (Lestari, 2022). They also often work with dietitians to treat patients or provide nutrition education to patients. At the community level, they can work together with nutritionists to carry out health promotion.


Nutritionists, dietitians, and nutrition specialist doctors have different authorities and competencies. A nutritionist is a specialist who provides information about nutrition and health problems and educates about healthy eating patterns. The role of the nutritionist focuses on providing advice on health and nutrition issues and formulating information for the public or clients. Unlike a nutritionist, a dietitian is a registered dietitian whose role is in diagnosing nutritional problems and formulating ways to deal with them, while a nutrition specialist doctor is a specialist who treats medical conditions related to nutrition, and can prescribe medicines and supplements. The three of them do have different tasks and roles, but all of them can collaborate together in fulfilling client nutrition.



Lestari, D. A. (2022). Apa Bedanya Ahli Gizi, Dietisien, dan Dokter Gizi?. Hello Sehat. Retrieved from


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